Boosting CRO through social ads and homepage redesign

Simple Dose

Simple Dose makes medication simpler, they sort pills and manage scripts all delivered to your door. I was put to the task to create some ads based on their existing brand to entice new users and encourage them to sign up.

Homepage restructure

The aim of the homepage redesign for Simple Dose was to boost CRO, this was done by ensuring the most important information the user needed was displayed and their was plenty of call-to-actions for the user to use to sign up.

Within the first three scrolls users are greeted to important information of the process and what the product is.

First Scroll: A call to action get started

Second Scroll: A quick explainer video

Third Scroll: The simple process of how Simple Dose works with call to actions to sign up or a download a how-to-guide

A feature I decided to put on the homepage was a delivery rates section just before to the frequently asked questions, it enables users to add their postcode and find out rates. A lot of the time users may go to the frequently asked questions that is why I placed this element near to ensure they get as many answers as they need before having to revert to the FAQs or contact us section.

Before & After

Left- Previous Homepage

Right- Homepage Redesign


Camp Australia


MUSQ Farmceuticals